Aly & Andrews All Aussie Accounting Adventures
Aly & Andrews All Aussie Accounting Adventures
The Christmas One - Wrapping up 2024
It’s beginning to look a lot like... laughter! Join us for a holly-jolly episode packed with festive cheer, side-splitting stories, and just the right amount of Christmas chaos. 🎅
We’re decking the halls with special guests Amy and Jack from All Aussie Accounting Tech Adventures. Together, we unwrap what we loved most about this year, from unexpected surprises to moments that made us grateful. We also share our hopes and dreams for next year—some heart-warming, some downright hilarious.
You can expect belly laughs, family traditions, and debates over Christmas classics (yes, Die Hard comes up again). Plus, a sprinkling of holiday extras that will leave you laughing harder than Santa after too much eggnog (or Andrew after 4 bevvies).
So pour yourself a mug of cocoa and settle in—this is one Christmas cracker you don’t want to miss!
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Hey Ali, why does Santa always come through the chimney?
Speaker 2:I'm not sure, I don't know. Tell me, andrew.
Speaker 3:Because he knows better than to try the back door.
Speaker 1:Is that okay? I don't know if I crossed the line.
Speaker 2:Oh look, it's so on the line.
Speaker 3:Can I keep?
Speaker 2:it. We'll run, we'll roll, we'll roll. There were giggles, we'll roll.
Speaker 1:I mean, we do have the explicit writing on this podcast, so I believe that I can say a slur that you probably do.
Speaker 2:anyway, I always put the explicit on, because you always swear. Do you know? In the Greek culture, the door that you enter is the door that you have to leave, the door that you enter is the door that you have to leave.
Speaker 1:Wow, I was just imagining that, wow, that is, you've just taken this to another level.
Speaker 2:Oh, are we allowed that?
Speaker 1:Oh, absolutely. You know what we should do. We've got the reason, the joke. I always explain it it's our Christmas edition. We've done this for a few years. Going it means we reflect on the year that's come. We get a bit jolly, we get a bit merry, you get jolly, I'm always jolly, I'm bloody jolly. All the time I get a bit merry. I am wearing you might not have seen it, Ali, but I'm wearing my oh wow, this is a Bruce Willis, like you know, kind of Christmas t-shirt.
Speaker 2:Now I have a machine gun. Ho ho, ho. Oh, what's that movie? Die Hard.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the greatest Christmas movie of all time.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they say it's a Christmas movie. Why? Why do they say it's a Christmas movie?
Speaker 3:Have you not watched it?
Speaker 2:Oh look, maybe 15 years ago. Alison Garrett oh my gosh Full name. I'm in trouble, what?
Speaker 1:It's on Christmas Eve, it's a Christmas movie, it's around Christmas time, it's not a Christmas movie.
Speaker 2:Is there a Santa?
Speaker 1:It's around Christmas time, which means it's a Christmas movie.
Speaker 3:Oh, wow, okay.
Speaker 1:Respect the time period. Anyway, I think I just have to go with that. We've got some special guests joining us today. We do, but before we introduce them, we're going to go to a theme tune song. A theme tune, so let's go to that. David, please press pray, and also David.
Speaker 2:Merry Bloody Christmas, please pray. Did you just say please pray, please pray? Yeah, please pray that this is going to be a good episode.
Speaker 1:Please pray that this will be a good episode and, David, Merry Christmas to you. Please press the theme song now. I'm sick and tired of this shit.
Speaker 2:See, you've already sworn, Andrew.
Speaker 1:See, that's why I have to put explicit on it. I only did it because you made me.
Speaker 2:I did not make you do anything. Should we introduce our amazing guests?
Speaker 1:Sure.
Speaker 2:All right, we have Amy and Jack from our gorgeous tech edition episode.
Speaker 1:I was going to say if you put odds on who that was going to be. I reckon the odds were pretty high. These are two of our favourite humans, obviously part of the All Aussie Academy Adventures universe. Now we have our own universe, obviously Talking all things Beck, and we thought let's gather around the Christmas tree, let's share some good vibes and some mulled wine or whatever it is that you might be drinking.
Speaker 2:What do people do? Is there mistletoe? I'm not sure. Hi Amy, hi Jack.
Speaker 3:Hi Hi Thanks for having us on.
Speaker 4:Yeah, the gorgeous tech edition. That's a rebrand waiting to happen.
Speaker 2:I know, tell me about it. I love your episodes. I always listen in keenly. I've learnt so much this year, so well done.
Speaker 4:team Top listener Love that Thank you so much Top listener?
Speaker 1:I reckon Ali is a big fan. I'm a big fan as well, obviously. But Ali technology you know she's all about the tech right. The only reason we run a tech episode is simply so Ali can get free advice from the team. How do I get their knowledge?
Speaker 3:To be fair, though, I mean, we're all really good friends, though she could also just call us.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so true. But you know what, when I listen to the episodes, sometimes I do kind of talk to you at the same time, so I'm losing my mind Is that kind of like how you clap at the TV when you're watching a sporting event or something and you feel like you're actually there. Yeah, something like that, and every now and again, or only one, I think I've actually the AI one is when I barged in. Yeah, we have to do another one of those.
Speaker 4:Oh it's changing fast.
Speaker 3:I know we were going to try and do that this year. Logistics, though, were just a challenge.
Speaker 2:It tells you what let's do it next year.
Speaker 4:But my goodness, the meme opportunity with AI right now is as high as anything's ever been. I think we should be. I don't even know, are we even here?
Speaker 2:Or are these is?
Speaker 3:this just.
Speaker 4:AI-generated voices that we've already recorded, and we've hired somebody really cheap to just write out a script for today's episode.
Speaker 1:I've been planning to tell you something. I'm actually not a real human. I've been AI for like Is that?
Speaker 2:why you're putting your mic in your beard.
Speaker 1:I turned 39 a couple of weeks ago. I've been AI for 39 years now.
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh, I'm catching up to you, ali, I'll get there eventually. You are so close to the big 4-0. Does that mean next year you're the big 4-0?
Speaker 1:Correct oh my gosh, I know right. I, oh my gosh, I know right.
Speaker 2:I'm celebrating the big five-o next year. That's mental to me.
Speaker 1:Really you went. Yeah, oh my God, 90th birthday party.
Speaker 3:I know Andrew takes a look out of you and says that you're really old. But there's no way I would have guessed that.
Speaker 1:Ali Jack's had a great idea we should have an industry. 90th birthday.
Speaker 3:We all have to come dressed up as oldies.
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh, let's do it, let's so do it.
Speaker 1:When is your birthday? I should know this September. Yeah, I'm in November, let's just do one in October. Oh my gosh, that's it. Hold on. Zero Con is in Brisbane in September-ish, isn't it?
Speaker 2:Yes, start of September. Do something around there, absolutely.
Speaker 1:Can we have a 90th at?
Speaker 2:Zerocon yes.
Speaker 3:That's a great idea. Does that mean we can get dressed up?
Speaker 2:as old people and hang around Zerocon, we could do a flash mob.
Speaker 1:I hate flash mobs, but I would do a flash mob if we could get a bunch of people to playing with AI at Zerocon. That would be great.
Speaker 2:Oh, I love it, let's do it. I love that.
Speaker 1:I'll let you plan it, Ali, but I'll be there.
Speaker 2:Well, I most probably will Trust me Anyway.
Speaker 1:No, it is a Christmas episode, but I did share about my favourite Christmas movie, which is Die Hard. I'm intrigued though Jack Amy Ali.
Speaker 4:Love Actually, love Actually, love actually, love, actually, love, actually, love, actually as well, jack that I, this is uh. So when I was young which uh, I guess isn't anymore, but uh, when I was young, it was mom's like favorite movie, so she'd be home ironing or something like that, just because you know why not iron in front of the tv and she's from love actually. So I'd watch it multiple times a year and it took a good five, six years before it even kind of connected that this is a Christmas movie because we just watch it throughout the year, but now it's our thing that we watch as a family.
Speaker 4:But then the other side of the family, ash's fam, are the diehard family. So that's our Christmas Eve movie there.
Speaker 2:So we get a little bit of both, and recently Netflix released.
Speaker 4:You know they've got so many cringy Christmas movies.
Speaker 3:They've got one called Love Hard. I love the whole lot of cringy ones. I love them. What's it called Love Hard?
Speaker 2:That doesn't surprise me, amy, that you like those Love Hard, love Hard.
Speaker 4:Like literally, it's about these two people who meet whose one family is a diehard family and one family is a love actually, oh, my gosh there's more to it that actually sounds great.
Speaker 1:So there's like a parody love actually out at the moment. So my wife Ivana and her good friend Steph went and watched the love actually parody at like the Athenaeum in Melbourne the other day. I was like how was it?
Speaker 3:They're like yeah.
Speaker 1:It was Okay. It was overly crass. It's a parody, so it's always going to be a bit crass. I think they were hoping to get a bit more love actually and a little less crap actually, but they still had a good time. So I don't know if you're going to go watch that. I don't know if the parody is flying its way or if it's in Adelaide, but it could be something to watch, Jack, you never know.
Speaker 4:Yeah there you go. What's your favourite you?
Speaker 2:never know. Yeah, there you go. Mine is actually the Grinch.
Speaker 4:Classic.
Speaker 2:Because my little one, Olivia, her favourite movie of all time and I've watched it a billion times is the Grinch, and so she actually thinks Christmas is about the Grinch, and so when she went to her first Christmas parade, she was expecting the Grinch to come.
Speaker 4:And when Santa did. She was so disappointed.
Speaker 2:That's so good, oh my goodness. So she's a Grincher.
Speaker 4:Have you seen those videos of kids around the Christmas tree and then I swear it's like the single drunk uncle rolls in wearing a full Grinch suit and steals the tree and runs out.
Speaker 1:And the kids are traumatised, but it's one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
Speaker 4:I just want to do it my little.
Speaker 2:Livvy would have been so excited, like she would get excited about the Grinch, like that would have excited her because she thinks the Grinch is about Christmas.
Speaker 4:That's so good.
Speaker 2:Like she's a Grinch lover who knew, anyway, yeah, so mine's the Grinch. I was very keen on Elf.
Speaker 1:I was going to say my very close second is Elf, because I like particularly watching it with kids. It's so fun. I'm like when do I let the kids watch Die Hard? They walked in when I because I watch all Die Hards during December, every single one, even the non-Christmas ones oh really, because there's a couple that are Christmas and there's a couple that are not. But they walked in and they're like what are you watching? I'm like Christmas movie and it's like you know, he's crawling through the thing covered in blood and stuff and I'm like probably not ready for this, but Elf.
Speaker 2:Elf is great, right? I don't think so. No, no, definitely not.
Speaker 1:So I just did a quick Google search. Apparently, the number one best Christmas movie of all time is a 1944 movie called Meet Me in St Louis, or St Louis, st Louis.
Speaker 2:St Louis. I have never seen it.
Speaker 1:The next one, 1940, the Shop Around the Corner. And then, number three, a 2023 movie called the Holdovers.
Speaker 2:I've never heard of it. I'm not sure about this list. Did you just put in?
Speaker 1:Christmas movie. So maybe you've got a bit of a list. Like, miracle on the 34th comes in at number five, kind of makes sense Nothing Before Christmas at number seven.
Speaker 2:Die Hard, number 11. Could you do for Australia, Because I reckon we've got a different taste to the rest of them.
Speaker 3:Yeah, this is also.
Speaker 2:This is wrong yeah the other one, my second favorite is probably the holiday, this is so funny.
Speaker 4:I mean, I just saw I see you absolutely as like the die hard person, not the love, actually oh no, I love it.
Speaker 3:Yeah, oh, I would call amy. That's great. I'm sorry with you, amy.
Speaker 4:I mean we've got a new spin-off podcast, okay Rom-coms. Rom-com reviews.
Speaker 2:All Aussie rom-coms. I'm in that one. You can't get rid of me there. I'm there every episode.
Speaker 4:Yeah, there's a very broad audience. We need to diversify.
Speaker 1:Apparently, batman Returns is considered a Christmas movie. What?
Speaker 4:This is just a bunch of blogs who've decided what Christmas movies count as I love it yeah.
Speaker 1:The cricket's my favourite Christmas movie. Honestly, though, boxing Day is the best with like the cricket, and then NBA and NFL in the start. It's so good.
Speaker 4:Yeah, anywho.
Speaker 2:Batman.
Speaker 4:Returns is a.
Speaker 1:Christmas movie because it's filmed around Christmas time.
Speaker 4:There you go, me too. Anyway, we're not here to talk about Christmas movies.
Speaker 1:It is almost the end of 2024. And I do remember, I think, chatting to you all last year.
Speaker 2:Yeah, this time.
Speaker 1:A bit of what you felt the life of the year was going to be. So my question to throw out there do you feel like the last 12 months was the 12 months that you thought you would have? And if not, why? And if yes, why Talk to me? Is it what you thought it would be? And Ali's sitting back going, fuck no. Me either to be fair, did anyone's somewhat prediction of where it was?
Speaker 2:I'm going to take it to business, yeah please Safe zone.
Speaker 1:This is business in person, but we'll stick with business For business.
Speaker 2:Yes, the last 12 months has been what I expected it to be, my 12 months at All. In has been consistent, it has been enjoyable. It has been filled with wonderful clients, with wonderful accomplishments, beautiful team moments and everything I wanted it to be. Are we as far advanced with AI as what I thought we would be? No, so that's most probably still a changing game, and we did bring on a little bit of new tech, but not too much. So we've really had a solid, consistent 24.
Speaker 1:A solid day or a solid year is like the cop-out answer to everything, when it's like, well, give me highlights, but I don't disagree, there's a good one. So it's like what was your highlight? It was just a solid day, but actually that's a bloody good thing.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I am the first to say if I've had a really crap year or something hasn't gone right, but honestly, I've been waiting for a really solid, consistent year and we had it. So I'm running with that.
Speaker 3:Love that.
Speaker 2:Going for gold on it.
Speaker 3:What about you, Amy? I too am going to keep this business related.
Speaker 2:Maybe we can have a separate podcast Days of our lives. Yeah, totally, totally, I love it um, was it?
Speaker 3:it definitely probably. It exceeded expectations in different ways. So it achieved this year for me was, I thought, some of the things that did happen. I had hoped and they have happened. Some of the things that I didn't foresee, like some team members moving on, I didn't foresee, like some team members moving on, I didn't foresee that, but equally, I didn't expect to have some phenomenally amazing replacement team members come on board as well. So that's been a huge win.
Speaker 1:You've got like an Illuminate alumni on your team now.
Speaker 3:Well, we do have one. We've got a few, actually, and someone starting next year as well. We've got some cracking good team members actually.
Speaker 1:When you said a few, I said Illuminate alumni and you said we've got one, you've got another Illuminate alumni starting next year.
Speaker 3:No, no, no no. Oh, I was going to say Another cracking human being.
Speaker 2:But someone from another.
Speaker 3:You know well-known accounting practice that you know that they might also run a podcast. You know another good podcast in the industry, so they're also starting with us next year.
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh. Now you've got me thinking. Can you just like tell me offline who that is?
Speaker 3:Yeah, totally can Offline.
Speaker 1:But otherwise I mean we've just paused the recording.
Speaker 2:Who is it? We have not. Don't tell him, and we won't edit it out either. I know he won't.
Speaker 3:No, he won't, but no. So probably from that perspective, we have definitely achieved, like we kicked off things like Project 95, which is something that was on, it's been on the radar for quite some time. We actually did it, though, like we didn't just talk about doing it. We radar for quite some time. We actually did it, though, like we didn't just talk about doing it, we actually did the thing. Yeah, it's just, it's been. It's been a really good year. It's been. You know, it's been challenging, like all years are in their own special way. But as far as consistency goes, I kind of agree with you, ellie, like it's been kind of consistently just on the up, which has been really nice.
Speaker 2:And I think you know it takes a long time to build that foundation, to get to a good, solid year, and when you get one you're like I'm gonna celebrate the crap out of that because you just don't know what's around the corner. Um jack, what about you? You've, you've. It's been a big year.
Speaker 4:Yeah, it's been very big, but at the same time, like that's kind of what I was hoping for, right, I think when we were here last time I I'd just taken a new job and that was coming up.
Speaker 2:I think you were just announcing it.
Speaker 4:Yeah, coming up a couple of years of working with Johan at the Early Adopters Hub and that was a great couple of years. But it was feeling like a bit lifestyle, business-y, which is totally fine. It just wasn't what I wanted at that point. So, I fine, it just wasn't what I wanted at that point. So kind of threw myself back in the deep end at Mayday and you know, early stage startup, first hire in Australia, kind of thing, like there was a lot going on and a lot of opportunity but a lot of challenge and it's been awesome, like it's what I wanted and I've really loved it. Like it's been really good to see the business grow, the team grow, like the community. That's when you build software. You kind of you know, obviously you've got customers, you've got supporters, you've got people who work with you and other partners and whatever else. So it's like you kind of build this community and it feels like that's really strong.
Speaker 2:And we've done a whole bunch of. I've loved watching your journey this year, yeah, well, thank you.
Speaker 4:I mean it's been good. But you know, it's kind of the thing with start-up land it's like, well, next year's got to be bigger. So here we go.
Speaker 3:So true.
Speaker 2:It's like a sprint, isn't it? A very long sprint, a very long sprint.
Speaker 4:Is it a sprint or a marathon? Well, it's just a sprint, but 42 sprints back to back.
Speaker 2:Yeah, just back to back, but every now and again you can pass the baton right.
Speaker 4:Yeah, well, I have my good challenge in next year listed out here. One of those good things was the travel. I mean it's also a challenge, right, because being away from home and whatever else is seven weeks over in London this year, so that was a lot, wow. But like when you've never done that for work before, it was enjoyable. And then, probably by the like, I think, the last trip that I did I was like okay, I know where the coffee shop is, I know where the grocery store is, I go home on time and go to sleep. Like it wasn't like I was going and doing things in London anymore, I was just living in London. That final trip. But the first two were really enjoyable.
Speaker 2:Welcome to work, john, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yes, absolutely like. Sounds amazing, but the reality is wildly different. So true, so true, you are.
Speaker 3:You did your first marathon, though, as well. On the topic of marathons, didn't you jack?
Speaker 4:I I did yeah, that was on here as well.
Speaker 4:My list as well of challenges I would.
Speaker 4:I would put it into in that something that I like a bit, a bit bit of a runner for a while, but not like a a runner, just someone who runs, because it's cheap and easy exercise that you can do whenever you want and the faster you go, the faster it's over, kind of thing.
Speaker 4:That's always been my reason for running. But you know, there's a good friend of mine who runs a lot like serious amounts and he's always been like dude, you should run more, like you're good at running, you're not even trying to do it, um. And so I set myself a little bit of a goal like hey, let's do the adelaide marathon, and kind of set myself up with a bit of a plan. But at the same time I didn't really set myself up with a bit of a plan, like I don't want running to become something that I don't enjoy because I take it too seriously, so I just kind of run when good experience to do. I got through it, um, but I ran like a, I would say, a really good half marathon pace, um, by about the you like a day after or two days after it, and you could hardly walk, I feel like yeah, that wouldn't be surprising.
Speaker 1:And you were. You were in proper struggle, understandably so, oh yeah, when I think about doing a marathon, I can't walk for three days. My version of a marathon is like a movie marathon.
Speaker 4:Yeah, nice. Or like a beer snake.
Speaker 1:That's my kind of vibe of a marathon.
Speaker 4:Yeah, yeah, yeah, I think now mine is as well. But yeah, the last seven Ks or so were like the most brutal seven Ks of my life, because both quads hamstrings, both cars were just like no, we don't want to, we don't want to do any movement anymore. So well, you're that deep in it that you're like I've got to finish this thing. So you're just kind of like shuffled my way through 7ks to get over the line I wish I'd seen the end.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and andrew, you haven't told us oh yeah, that's I'm.
Speaker 1:I'm the. I ask the questions. I don't have to answer.
Speaker 2:No, no, no, no, no. Now it's your turn.
Speaker 1:I believe this time last year I had a vibe that the next 12 months there was going to be some big stuff happening, some big changes and things coming in, and I think for Illuminate we have had some really interesting stuff which I don't think I've even talked about because we haven't publicly really gone about it, but we have. We are in terms with bringing on an equity partner who's bringing their client base on. So that's a really new thing for us where it's like, hey, there's an individual who is exceptionally good at what they do and looking for a family, a team, a group of people to do that with, and so that's one of those ones where it's like Bit of an M&A activity, bit of a merger.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but it's just nice that people go hey, I like what I do, but I'd like to do it with you being Illuminate not. Andrew, but you being Illuminate, I'm like it's nice to have a bit of that Like, oh cool. Like I don't think I'm good at it, other people appreciate that as well, so that was really cool, make sure you get your prenup solid.
Speaker 2:Sorry, make sure you get a solid prenup. Yep, yep, that is Yep Yep.
Speaker 1:Yep, we've still got six months before. Like anyone can like hit the big red button and go, we're done, like we're, and we're trying to make sure that the whole idea of this is like um, let's make sure it's fair and reasonable and in the best interest of everybody. So, like you, never want to start a, a conversation or an environment like this where it's like you one-up someone, because then a year or three later, that person's going to remember or think about it in the next thing. So not, this is about what's best for all and for all, but also for us. What's best for all, but also for us, what's best for our clients, what's best for our team. So yeah, so that's been cool, that's been fun. Obviously, I've been running a plumbing shop for like 18 months now.
Speaker 2:You rebranded, you got the new merch.
Speaker 1:Got new merch, new team, new approach, so that's been a really interesting juggle, I think you know running now a few different kind of business ventures. So juggle, I think you know running now a few different kind of business ventures, so illuminate, and the vibe that we do with a bookkeeping accounting of that stuff, uh, plumb the, the rumble which is the co-working space that we run, as well as like trying to chat with you guys as frequently as you can officially a serial entrepreneur uh an entrepreneur I did have a t-shirt when I was in high school serial killer but it was spelled cereal c-e-r-e-a-l I love it like cereal, like that you eat in the morning.
Speaker 1:Love that tea. It was as an emo punk kid, it was great well, now you can get one that says cereal entrepreneur.
Speaker 1:I love it, but but so it's it's been it's been like. Running multiple businesses brings us challenges, because all you need is like both businesses to have an issue or a challenge or an opportunity within the same period of time. And it takes so much more from you to do so because, because you're going, well, how much time do I want? I want to dedicate like three straight days at this thing, but you're going to get interrupted now and so um is it kind of like having three or four children?
Speaker 2:no, they all something always Nah, he already has three of them Because at least with your kids.
Speaker 1:you'd be like just shut up and watch TV, like with the business you can't do that.
Speaker 2:You can't do that. Like it's but it has been.
Speaker 1:I feel like I've learned and grown and challenged and figured stuff out. Maybe you could. It's been an interesting 12 months, that's for sure figured stuff out. Maybe you could. It's been an interesting 12 months, that's for sure, but we're going to go, I think have we got some sponsors for today, Ellie.
Speaker 2:Yeah, why not? I think we're going to listen to some sponsors and if not, David is going to say hey, andrew. No, we do, we do, we definitely do, we definitely do yeah.
Speaker 1:I'm glad that Ellie is more organized than I, so we'll have a listen and then we'll come back and then we're going to go. What was your highlight, what was something you learned and what are you looking for for next year? We're going to do a real quick roundabout.
Speaker 2:You just love banks Andrew.
Speaker 1:Oh, bloody love the banks, don't you?
Speaker 2:Absolutely. But I know that you've got this little thing called Rate Tracker and I know all about it.
Speaker 1:Rate Tracker is the absolute bomb. It is technology that's free, secure, monitoring your interest rate using AI and a bunch of other open banking stuff to automatically detect if you're paying more interest than you should. It's unbelievable. We run it for a bunch of our clients and it lets us and our clients know when they could be getting a better deal.
Speaker 1:Wow-wee Love it, love it, love, love it as they say, don't get spanked by your bank. Check out ray tracker now. Ellie, I'm sure you get asked all the time, just like I do. Who do you use for digital signatures? And I know we use the same team the crew at fu.
Speaker 2:Sign right they're the absolute bomb. Yes, I get asked that all the time. It is digital signing done. Simply, my friend, it is amazing, it's so simple.
Speaker 1:I love it. It gives you great control, heaps of flexibility and the experience for clients and team is quite exceptional too right.
Speaker 2:Super easy to use on both sides.
Speaker 1:It's bloody amazing. Excellent. Get amongst it, friends. Fuse your signatures today with FuseSign.
Speaker 2:Good, you need to repeat those questions.
Speaker 1:I didn't get them Good, good, bad. Speaking of the year that is about to cease, what is your highlight? What was that thing that if you could, you'd frame it and put it on the mantelpiece. You'd have the, the. It could be a quote, it could be an experience, it could be a moment. I like that. The amy. First thing in amy's story. She's like I can't share that. Um, what is that moment? What is that thing, personal or business like? Let's just like, hey, we're all mates, let's go there. So what was that highlight? Second thing I want to like what was that thing? You learn and let, and when I think of learn, it's like something you fucked up, a lesson you had, like an experience you like cool, like I will be better next time or because of that experience, I know more. Um, and then, looking into next year, what are you longing for?
Speaker 1:longing what do you love? Can I start?
Speaker 3:with what I loved. You can go Go.
Speaker 1:Amy go. What do you love other than us, amy?
Speaker 3:You know, on the movie theme, you know that movie, the Kingsman, about how you know he stuffs his dog and his dog, mr Pickles, gets stuffed. Anyway, that's what popped into my mind about the good thing that happened to me because I was like I can't talk about how I got a puppy and I want to stuff her and then frame her because you're like something that you want to frame. I was like I can't do that. She's a puppy.
Speaker 1:But also if you could and wouldn't.
Speaker 3:I don't know, Still no. So yeah, if there's a little bit of background noise at the moment, it's because I'm trying to entertain a five-month-old mini schnauzer and she's trying to chew my hand off. But she's definitely been my personal highlight of the year, definitely Something that I learned. I think I had some really good people conversations. I think I learned a lot more about being a professional and I mean, I think that's that's always an opportunity for improvement, is my point.
Speaker 1:I've seen that in action this year too, and I I have appreciated your ability to stick to the stuff that needs to be done and to decide and go. This is what we're here to achieve. I've seen it in real life.
Speaker 3:Thank you, I appreciate that. Yes, yes, no. So that's definitely been my thing, that I've achieved, so to speak. What was the final question?
Speaker 2:Longing for? What am I longing for Next year?
Speaker 1:Think, in the next 12 months, what are you longing hoping? Dreaming, so romantic that word I know Other than, like all Aussie accounting adventures, coming together for a little hangout retreat and just good mates time.
Speaker 3:Here we go. I'll put this out here on the podcast, because it's just really funny.
Speaker 2:I want a husband, I want a baby and I want a business. It's just children.
Speaker 3:Whoa, whoa what's your insta? Okay, so can we have another podcast where we try and send hilarious, hilarious. Can I get you now?
Speaker 1:in every single episode you record. Going forward, can you just do an update on amy's relationship status?
Speaker 2:with her, with her okay with her, okay, we could?
Speaker 1:we could run a bit of that. So hey, if you're sitting there, what are you looking?
Speaker 2:just do an update on Amy's relationship status with her.
Speaker 4:We could run a bit of that. So hey, if you're sitting there, what are you looking for, Amy?
Speaker 3:We could do a few, just yeah, we'll talk about it, Amy. Yeah, let's workshop that one.
Speaker 2:I love that, amy, I love that honesty, like good on you for just putting it out into the stratosphere and to see what comes back.
Speaker 4:Top 10 dating apps. That's a good episode the stratosphere and to see what comes back.
Speaker 1:Oh, top 10 dating apps. That's good for you. I'm behind you, jack. Are you related? Jack, are you longing for a husband, a baby and a thriving business is that?
Speaker 4:I'm longing for my or our house to be finished.
Speaker 1:That'll be nice ah, so you're, you're building a slab that's highlight of my year very recently.
Speaker 4:I love a good slab.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, baby, Not a beer-type slab Andrew.
Speaker 1:You should smash a slab on the slab.
Speaker 4:Oh, we should smash a slab on the slab. Any excuse?
Speaker 2:That's a Christmas thing. That's where our slab parties are. That's got to be a Christmas thing. You should have a.
Speaker 1:New Year's Eve slab party.
Speaker 2:We've already had a slab party party, but why not a new year's?
Speaker 4:eve slide and we weren't invited. You did you not get it? That is very rude, I'm sorry. I even live in your same same hometown.
Speaker 1:Our collective challenges here has been logistical coordination, about getting together the listeners out there who are like going what the fuck is going on? I reckon we've tried to physically be in the same room at least half a dozen times and it has not happened once.
Speaker 3:Yep Once and it's.
Speaker 2:You know what? There's no one person. It's between all of us. We've completely stuffed it.
Speaker 1:I think one time we were going to catch up and, like a few days beforehand, jack, I think one time we were going to catch up and like a few days beforehand, Jack's like so I've got to go to the England.
Speaker 3:Another one. I was like, yeah, I'm coming, Wait, no, that's my family Christmas day.
Speaker 1:I can't do that one.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and then I was like, oh, I'm going to the Gold Coast with the kids. In fact, Amy, I think you've been the most stable one.
Speaker 3:Look, I have had the opportunity to attend every single event. Just putting it out there Even when one was cancelled, I still attended.
Speaker 2:Why do you think? She's longing for a husband. We got to see you. Correct, correct.
Speaker 4:Maybe that's our commitment for next year is we will? I mean, we did get together and it was actually great, we did we did.
Speaker 2:Oh, we did too during August. Bgl Rojo.
Speaker 1:So, jack, you're longing for your home being built. Talk to me the last 12 months what have you loved and what have you learned? And whilst you do that, I'm going to exit the room and get myself a cold beverage and I'll be back.
Speaker 4:Beautiful.
Speaker 1:What a way Start the slab party early let's go.
Speaker 4:I mean, what have I loved? So many things this year I've loved, but I mean hard not to, you know, love a little team retreat to Barcelona, so that was really good at the beginning of the year. That's right, you weren't there, and it was because they hit the Q4 targets that I wasn't even part of, so it was one of those amazing bonuses.
Speaker 4:But hey, we hit some targets in June and we had some more rewards in those ones that I contributed to a little bit more, which was nice. But what was the other one, Learning?
Speaker 3:Yeah, what did you?
Speaker 4:learn. I've had to learn quite a lot about hiring this year because we've been hiring a lot and I haven't been hiring directly all of those people, but I've been involved in a lot of those conversations and like figuring out who's going to be a good fit for the team, those kinds of things, some hard decisions at the other end of hiring as well, but recently also just hiring someone who's going to be based in Adelaide alongside me. So that was a good experience, good fun. Looking forward to the next challenge, which is kind of actually working with these people or working with this person, and hopefully I can be a good leader, good friend, good manager, whatever it is, whatever it entails.
Speaker 2:You'll be great mate. Oh, thanks, guys. That's why I threw it out there. You're very thoughtful and engaging and always thinking about the other person, so I have no doubt you'll absolutely smash that. And how good that they're in Adelaide.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I know. Well, we were open to eastern states and whatever else, but just got lucky, I guess.
Speaker 3:You can finally have team beers on a Friday with an actual team. You can't just sing by yourself my little mini violin.
Speaker 1:Oh, bye my.
Speaker 2:Now I just need to alert everyone that I think Andrew is on his third bevy. Is this your third? Maybe we started? Yes, there it is. He's going to get very merry.
Speaker 1:It's been a 40-degree day here in Melbourne. Yeah, that's it, I'm sitting in my little studio office at home that does not have air conditioning, so I need something cold, and these are cold and they are going down way too fast and they are not light alcohol beverages.
Speaker 2:So by the time I get to the fourth, we could have some, and that's when it's your turn to share. We might get some very open you're leaving me to the end and what about you, andrew?
Speaker 4:maybe we just turn this into like a three hour like therapy session? Look, I'm down for that, I'll get the kids on.
Speaker 1:I'm down for that. I'll get the kids on, I'll get the wife on. I'm like, hey, why don't you talk to them about what's going on in my world? Like help to dissect what's happening in my life.
Speaker 4:Where are we at. I'll go next, shall I?
Speaker 2:Because I haven't had a go and we will leave Andrew till last because I want him to have that bevy just to see what comes out drew till last because I want him to have that bevy just to see what comes out. So, um, my highlight was actually the month of august. Um, so I went to zero con nashville. Um, I had such an amazing time with the expat crew. I then did the bgl road show and spent it like, honestly, the bgl team, I they like family I just adore them such a beautiful group of humans.
Speaker 2:I agree, yep, and that helped to set me up for the rest of my year, where I made some really big decisions and bold calls, and I learned a lot during that month of august around where I was and myself and where I wanted to be, and how resilient and strong I was. So I have learned an enormous amount this year, and what I'm longing for is peace and safety and safe environment wherever we are, whether that be at work or at home and in our families, and it's something that I think we take for granted and something that you know. When you really long for it, you can start to create it and be really purposeful and be really conscious about it and be really strategic about it. So that's really what I'm longing for in the new year we're going super fucking deep.
Speaker 2:So, Andrew, what about you?
Speaker 1:Well, what have I loved this year? But it's been a really. I think it's been a really interesting year for me. The last 12 months, I think having a son has been really cool.
Speaker 2:Like obviously not I feel that with you, I feel it.
Speaker 1:Right, they're not like my girls Lira and Raya. I love them to bits. I've started coaching Raya in basketball. We are 4-0, by the way. Oh hello, Well done I'm already teaching those seven-year-olds how to play trap defense, but I don't know what's going on Everything's great.
Speaker 4:Oh, my goodness.
Speaker 1:But yeah, like I think there's this thing about having like a you open the door and as soon as Jericho hears the sound of the door opening, he goes ta-da and he just runs and jumps into your arms and my girls did that as well. So, like, not like I said, but there's just something about like he just wants to like wrestle and stuff. Yeah, he's a boy.
Speaker 2:There is a huge difference between boys and girls.
Speaker 1:There is, yeah, you've got a boy, like I think you know parents out there who've got um, uh, boys and girls and those kind of things, and they'll resonate that and you know, jerica was, uh, you know, an absolute, um blessing slash surprise for us, um, and so it's just been really cool to kind of and, at the same time, seeing the girls around him, like the girls are like little mini mums with him and stuff, and yeah, and they love him and and so I've really I've been really blessed to be able to go through that experience, I think, as as a dad, and to watch my, my girls, who are 10 and 7, so they're not exactly old but to watch them, connect with them, although you're like this, my seven-year-old said to me the other day after I politely asked, politely asked her for maybe the fifth or the sixth time can you please sit down and eat the rice that you have in front of you? Dad, I will kick you in the head until you die hey wow right that escalated.
Speaker 2:It's not everyone's great communicator with a bit of fire, I mean like a boss woman.
Speaker 1:I mean like two peas in a pod, like whatever's in her head comes out of her mouth like that's the head. So that's a bit like that. I'd watch that. I'd pay to watch it. Yeah, that is crazy. Yeah, absolutely. So that's what I've loved.
Speaker 2:That's the thing with kids. Some of yourself is reflected in them and you're like ooh know where that's coming from looking forward to that in the teenage years I've loved that.
Speaker 1:I think I think I've learned oh, what I've. What have I learned? I've had a lot of challenges this year, I think, in terms of, you know, throwing my hands up to do a lot of stuff. Uh, actually, one thing I intentionally took some time to is I intentionally stepped away from accounting industry things, which most of you, if you're listening to this, you're like, really Andrew, like I didn't even notice you before, but like I think I've learned that it's important to create space rather than create noise.
Speaker 1:Yes, and so a friend of mine, lauren um, from the uk, a year and a half ago uh, no, no, it would have been two, almost two years ago now.
Speaker 1:Two and a half years ago, when I was in the uk for a month, I remember hanging out with her on like the second last day and talking to her about how I just done a, you know, a speaking slot at a conference and I didn't feel it. I didn't feel she's like you were amazing. Everyone thought you were amazing, like yeah, but I just didn't feel it. And and and I remember saying to me like I think you just need, you just need a year or two, you just needed to like hit the pause button, go and learn some stuff and eventually, if you have stories to share, bring them back. If you're feeling it, you shouldn't be sharing it, and so I took some intentionality around that, and so I think I learned that, like, whilst I have a very strong connection to the accounting community, that it's important to not think that I have to be doing it all the time, because then it just becomes noise, and noise is not helpful.
Speaker 3:Do you have a bit of FOMO though, like? Do you still have a bit of like, oh, don't get. Don't get what I mean.
Speaker 1:I will throw. There are two elements of FOMO. There's the ego FOMO where it's like motherfucker yeah, yeah and I'm saying this, I'm being trying to be as like, as humble as I can, like like there's a bit of that shit where I just I'm, I'm working on like all in. I think all we work on of like constantly being like, hey, to chill the fuck out, but so there's a bit of that. But there's also a bit of like a but that's all. My mates are hanging out there.
Speaker 1:I want to go hang out be there, yeah, but if you're there, you're not where. You're not here and you need to be here. And if you go there, you're like your family who needs you.
Speaker 2:It's just that balancing and andrew, I think you said it before it's just finding the right time and space, and you are an authentic human being and so you need space in order to think and create and innovate so that you can come back fresh. And the other thing about those conferences and going and seeing the same people is it is a fairly small bubble, and this is something that I've learnt this year. Oh, no, actually I've learnt it the year before.
Speaker 1:We've known it for a while.
Speaker 2:It's probably solidified this year is that we live in this very little bubble where we basically communicate in the same way to the same people, but there's a whole other accounting industry out there that has absolutely no idea about some of the things that we know or some of the experiences that we've had, and so I think we need to be overtly aware that at these conferences sometimes it's the same people saying the same things or always rocking up, and that taking that space sometimes and engaging in different ways in the community actually has power too. And some of those aren't on stage and some of those aren't overt, but it's just as powerful. And I spent a lot of time with Alec Collegia this year on the BGL Ridge Tech Roadshow An amazing, wonderful human being and she basically said the same thing Andrew, around space.
Speaker 1:I remember talking with her around that time when she presented wonderful human being and she basically said the same thing, andrew around, I remember. I remember talking with her around that time when she presented that whole like the thing that you think you have to do versus the thing you realize you should be doing is like that difference of like I feel like I always have to do this thing because if I don't I'm gonna miss out, as opposed to no, no, like if you keep doing that thing the way I this is my brain if you keep doing that thing, people are missing out on what you could be bringing by learning and maybe bringing yeah, it's the noise thing again.
Speaker 2:Right, it's. Are we creating noise or are we creating space? And I think that there's value in both, but we need to be conscious about it and to just not think that our this is, this is everyone's experience. It's not, it absolutely is not, um, and so there's a lot of power in that, creating that space. So, yeah, poignant, andrew poignant.
Speaker 1:Yes, and what am I longing for next year? Hmm, clarity. Oh, clarity, okay, that's not a promo, as Amy points at her my neon sign behind my head.
Speaker 2:Neon sign Amy from Clarity Street.
Speaker 1:I reckon I'm facing with a few interesting decisions throughout a variety of businesses and life, and I'd love to have clarity, and I think I long for probably a bit of boldness in that too. So there's clarity, as in like what do I think is right, but also boldness to make that decision, particularly when you're a leader and there are other people that are impacted by your decisions. Sometimes you have to be bold, but it's really hard to be bold because you're like, okay, cool, well, what if this doesn't work? Or what if they don't like it? Those kind of things.
Speaker 1:I think I've got a few decisions over the next 12 months. Um, but I need to make some calls on and, yeah, I'm looking forward to like getting some clarity on what that looks like and then being bold and being committed to that decision and going like, all right, like I'm, I'm very, very comfortable with, like you know, if, if it doesn't work out, you know we learn and we iterate upon that but like making a call and investing in that and doing whatever I can to ensure that the outcome of that is positive.
Speaker 2:So, yeah, yeah, I like that, I like it, that's me I love it. Well, I think we've done it all. We've covered all bases, so is it now time to celebrate and do our Christmases.
Speaker 1:I want to finish on one thing, though, because I'm a big, I like quotes. I'm a bit of a big quote guy, and I know I'm throwing this out absolutely out of the blue. So the three of you are like you weren't going to ask this, andrew. I'm so used to it. But if we were to finish the year with a quote whether it's something you loved, learned, you heard, oh, that just sat in my mind for the year, whether there's something you think is going to be like, that's going to be on the wall at home for the next 12 months, what's that quote that sits through your mind? Is there something there you throw out? There a lot. And, david, if you can put some thinking music on right now as the three of them go, oh geez, that's a Does it have to be somebody else's quote?
Speaker 2:No, it could be yours.
Speaker 1:It could be a phrase that you just say to yourself, as that's something that's important and valuable and whatnot.
Speaker 4:I mean talking about making pointless noise. I did put a LinkedIn post up earlier, um, which is just a bunch of stuff no one needs or cares about, but hopefully there's a few likes on it. Um, there was a quote that I used on that, so I can get started because I did use that. Now, this isn't a quote that I particularly think relates to me that well, but it's kind of the like who I wish I, the kind of person I wish I was a little bit more, and also, as an avid formula one fan, it's very relevant. Um, so, uh, the quote is no risk, no fun, and I love it because it's the I'm going to pronounce this incorrectly dietrich mazachitz that sounds about right see the founder of Red Bull.
Speaker 4:He passed away this year. That was a saying of his, as it goes. So you know Red Bull crazy company, do crazy wild things. But you know, when we think about risk and we think about risk management and we think about you know we're in this world as accountants where oftentimes that does get the better of us and me myself and my own career I feel like I'm risk adverse, but maybe comparatively I'm not, but I still feel like I am in a lot of ways. But it is true, like if you don't get out there and do a little bit of something different every now and again, like it isn't that fun. You can't need to put yourself out there and, to your point, be bold. And I think it I don't know, it's just one that's resonated with me this year when I heard it. It stuck with me Simple, easy to remember and I like the message behind it.
Speaker 2:I love that. I've got one just moving on to that, and it's from AA Milne, which is actually Winnie the Pooh. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think, and that really, yeah, that's good that's really good.
Speaker 1:I like that amy got nothing I knew that there was gonna be someone who said, like motherfucker why do you ask me this shit?
Speaker 3:I'm like, honestly, andrew, my favourite quote of all time and it was said by me, that's good, my favourite quote of all time. What is it? Why do today what I can put off until tomorrow? Because I'm the greatest procrastinator ever. I still get shit done, but I do procrastinate. Oh jeez, oh geez.
Speaker 4:That's good. That's good, though, that's life advice.
Speaker 1:So a little while ago last year at some point, I put together like a quote deck for Illuminate. We were doing a strategy day and I put together a bunch of quotes that like would like frame sections of the thought process that we're going through and so like, when I look at this, I'm like man, there's like half a dozen that I've got, but I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to stick on one, because I feel like when you are at the end of a year and reflecting and then thinking about the next year, it's important to have something that's affirming, much like what Ellie kind of shared there as well. And this is from louise l hay and it says you have been criticizing yourself for years and it has not worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens and so what I might do is I might.
Speaker 1:I've got a pdf version of the little canva thing that I put together. Maybe I'll share it more, whack it out on our socials or put it in our newsletter. You know, here's Andrew's random list of quotes that he thinks are really freaking cool. But I'd be intrigued what everyone else's quote for the year ahead or the year gone by or whatever. Send them in, yeah.
Speaker 3:Subscribe to our newsletter. That will give us some content to republish. Oh good, Send us your favourite quote. In the meantime, I'll find a better one than I just gave you.
Speaker 2:No, I like yours and Andrew. It is actually about being kind to people.
Speaker 3:I think that I've been. Next year, I am looking forward to the fact that I am going to be a much more active participant in the newsletter creation side of things. You are I'm sticking my active participant in the newsletter creation side of things, you are, I'm sticking my hand right in the middle of it. Okay, Come on everybody. We need some content that you want to hear about.
Speaker 1:Well, friends, it's been good.
Speaker 2:Been good. Oh my gosh, Is that number four?
Speaker 4:What weeknight is it?
Speaker 2:Andrew, you're going to be rolling out of that office honestly it's actually just soft drink.
Speaker 1:I've been tricking you all the way along. No, it's not, it's definitely not.
Speaker 2:I'm just gonna say you have not on. There's a little puppy dog, but um, thank you to the three of you.
Speaker 1:Thank you so much. Obviously, amy um, I've seen you physically and I've been able to witness some of the transformation stuff you've been working on, which is great. Been great, jack. I've seen you from afar and other than kicking your ass in fantasy NFL, you know it's been great to also witness your growth.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that was a challenge I forgot to mention. Yeah right, that's been a big challenge for you and Ali, you shared a little bit. I was going to say the thing that I've learned a lot is resilience, and you've taught me a lot of that this year. And just kind of spending a bit of time and some interesting conversations with you throughout the year around business and life and things. You always inspire me and it helps me to recognize that life has its challenges, but it's not what you go through, but it's how you choose to go through it. So thank you to the three of you You're amazing and thank you for the millions and millions of listeners that we have Millions.
Speaker 1:We know we have thousands.
Speaker 2:But, Andrew, I want to thank you for being the amazing and authentic and brilliant and funny.
Speaker 1:And disorganised.
Speaker 2:I would expect nothing less, andrew. So thank you for this year, thank you for another very successful season, and are we going to come back for another season next year?
Speaker 1:I reckon, if you pull my arm, I reckon you could probably get me in there like well I reckon I've got a gun to your head. I think we do I don't have a choice in this, do I no? No, not really I'll leave you on one final quote, which is my reflection for the three of you, which is find a group of people who will challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them and it will change your life. And that's Amy Poehler, all people so.
Speaker 4:Merry Christmas to the three of you. Merry Christmas.
Speaker 3:Thanks to all our sponsors as well.
Speaker 2:Thank you to the sponsors for supporting us, and for the listeners have a great festive season. Relax, celebrate and we will catch you in the new year and thank you, David, for looking after the audio obviously Making us sound good, and thank you, David, for looking after the audio, obviously, thank you.
Speaker 1:For our broader team and community. You're amazing. Love you all. Bye, love you all. See you, bye Hooy. Wasn't that a fun adventure? My friends, thank you so much, so incredibly much, for hanging out with us today. Ali, you've been amazing. Andrew, you've been all right. How good is it to be able to have adventures together.
Speaker 2:It so is, and you know what? Keep following us. We are all over the socials at Accounting Adventures. Check us out on the website. Give us a bit of a like.
Speaker 1:You know how much we love that stuff. The best thing about the adventure is the people that we do it with. So thank you so much for listening, thank you so much for hanging out with us, and please bring all the ideas. Keep rekemen becoming. We can't wait to share more cool adventures with you we love you guys.